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Javolin Payments Platform

Javolin provides B2B payment services for domestic and international transactions for certain businesses.


Businesses must be registered in either the United States or Canada.

Payments must be related to verified business operations or transactions and will be settled at the foreign exchange rate at the time of transaction.

Businesses must be onboarded with specific KYC and AML information.

Payments can be sent to over 200 countries.

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Javolin Commodities Platform

The Javolin Marketplace allows farmers and traders of agri-commodities to identify their products on hand to be sold to domestic and international buyers. It facilitates the procurement of these products by buyers via our payment’s portal and logistics services.


We are currently working with farmers and traders in Ghana, Nigeria and Senegal.

We are currently focused on cashews, cassava, and coffee.

Farmers, traders, and buyers must be registered participants on the JAVOLIN system.


Our collections feature enables seamless payment collections for businesses and other financial service partners.

No matter the type or size of your business, accounts receivable and collections is a valuable part of your operations and cash flow.

Revenue collection is no easy task, but it is a necessary one. Having a comprehensive system, ensuring proper data tracking and customer communication will dramatically facilitate your revenue collection process, and help you avoid major and unnecessary losses. Additionally, proper management of your revenue collection will have a positive impact on your relationships with your customers, adding value to your business.

Some of the advantages of collections platform:

  • Reduce fraud and cash leakage.
  • Increase collection percentages and cash flow.
  • Payment Tracker: track status via our online platform
  • Grow revenue across the customer base.
  • Build real time analytics for improved business decisions.